May 06, 2021

Startup National Championship 2021

Startup National Championship - main business event of the year

Hundreds of young entrepreneurs from all over the country gathered at the championship to showcase their creative ideas and technological and intellectual achievements, and well-known entrepreneurs made jurymen and selected the best business and social projects of the year!

Teams of two age categories attended the competition:
  • MiniBoss League (schoolchildren 6-14 years old)
  • BigBoss League (youth 15-25 years old)
The competition program evaluated two types of projects in the nominations:
  • Innovative commercial startups (SIFE)
  • Social startups (SAGE)
The international educational network MiniBoss & BigBoss Business Schools is a British brand that created a new market 19 years ago - business education for children and youth and is today recognized as the number 1 brand in the world in terms of innovation in education and global influence on the world through business education.

MiniBoss's goal is to create a new generation of innovative entrepreneurs who are changing the world for the better!

Everything in the state is created by entrepreneurship.

The primary source of all income is the initiative of a person to make a new business; this is entrepreneurship, which creates a newly created product and an enterprise around it.

Entrepreneurship creates income, which forms the state budget and funds all officials and budget workers (from the President and deputies to judges, prosecutors, doctors, teachers and cultural and sports workers).

That is why educating entrepreneurs and supporting educational initiatives on entrepreneurship is a strategically important resource for any country, because it brings direct benefit to the whole society by developing it and raising the standard of living of every citizen.

We build successful future together!

The event will be held online