May 12, 2021

These are the top non-technical skills you need to succeed in the best jobs of the future

If you are looking to land a job in a high-paying field poised for strong job growth over the next decade, you may want to make sure you have these non-technical skills.

No matter the job you are applying for, it is important to have non-technical skills for success in your career. According to Indeed, soft skills are important for collaboration and problem solving. Per LinkedIn, creativity, persuasion, adaptability are among the top five most important soft skills that employers are looking for in potential candidates.

Many of the jobs that we found that are high-paying and expected to grow are in management. Business Insider previously reported on the soft skills leaders need to be effective communicators and perform well in their jobs, according to ResourcefulManager, including being good negotiators and communicators. Forbes Coaches Council also found curiosity, active listening, and resilience as important soft skills to have.

Because some of the other top future jobs are in health care or are various specialists in computer support or in human resources, active listening and critical thinking made the top of the list.

The following are the best soft skills to have in these high-paying jobs with bright futures. It is important to note employment projections are based on data from before the pandemic. BLS is unsure how coronavirus will affect projections as of now, so the best future jobs may change as a result of the pandemic.
  • Systems analysis
  • Service orientation
  • Time management
  • Coordination
  • Active learning
  • Social perceptiveness
  • Monitoring
  • Complex problem solving
  • Writing
  • Judgment and decision making
  • Speaking
  • Reading comprehension
  • Critical thinking
  • Active listening
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