June 12, 2021

Better Organize Your Day With This Time Management Technique

Enter the ALPEN method: the time management method that demands you work with carefully drafted to-do lists, buffer time, and scheduled breaks to plan your day in a productive way.

What Is The ALPEN Method?

The ALPEN method from a German time management expert and economist, Professor Lothar J. Seiwert. ALPEN stands for:
  • A: Writing down tasks, appointments, and planned activities (Aufgaben)
  • L: Estimating length (Länge schätzen)
  • P: Planning buffer time (Pufferzeiten einplanen)
  • E: Making decisions (Entscheidungen treffen)
  • N: Following-up (Nachkontrolle)
The idea is to prepare a timed to-do list including only selected tasks that should take priority. The ALPEN method also encourages you to work during scheduled time blocks and take pre-scheduled breaks. With time set aside to refresh and decompress, so you can really go heads-down on tasks during those working hours.

Planning your day with this time management technique might take some, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll soon understand where your time goes (hint: it’s not into the abyss) and how you can make the most of your daily schedule and task list.

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