August 12, 2021

8 Critical thinking tips. Part 2

1. Learn the difference between Deductive vs Inductive vs Abductive reasoning and arguments that are valid and invalid, strong and weak, sound and cogent.

2. Think from other perspectives, and seek out other perspectives, especially those of smart people who disagree with you, and think differently than you. Your perspective is only one of a possible infinite number. Don’t assume that your perspective is the "correct", "right", or the "only" way to see something.

3. Build your own toolbox of mental models and start using them

  • The map is not the territory
  • First principles thinking
  • Second order thinking
  • Probabilistic thinking
  • Inversion
  • Opportunity cost
  • Law of diminishing returns
  • 80/20 rule
  • Premortem

4. Study psychological effects and their impact upon your perception

  • Naive realism
  • Backfire effect
  • Belief perseverance
  • Continued influence effect
  • The illusory truth effect
  • Illusion of transparency
  • Illusion of asymmetric insight
  • Reactance

5. Steelman opposition arguments. If you can’t defeat a steelman version of your opponent’s argument, maybe you should reconsider your position

6. Become familiar with philosophical razors

  • Occam’s razor
  • Grice’s razor
  • Hanlon’s razor
  • Hume’s razor
  • Sagan standard
  • Hitchen’s razor
  • Newton’s flaming laser sword

7. Read, watch and listen to the following critical thinkers:

  • Matt Dillahunty – Best of Matt Dillahunty
  • Sam Harris – Making Sense with Sam Harris
  • David McRaney – You Are Not So Smart Podcast
  • Christopher Hitchens – Best of Christopher Hitchens
  • David Silverman – Best of David Silverman
  • Douglas Murray – Best of Douglas Murray
  • Eric Weinstein – Eric Weinstein on JRE
  • Sean Carroll – Best of Sean Carroll
  • Steven Novella – The Skeptics Guide to the Universe
  • Gad Saad – Gad Saad on JRE
  • Cosmic Skeptic – Cosmic Skeptic YouTube channel

8. Learn the scientific method (the most reliable way we currently have of knowing truth)

  • Make an observation
  • Ask a question
  • Form a hypothesis, or testable explanation
  • Make a prediction based on the hypothesis
  • Test the prediction
  • Iterate: use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions

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